The Annunciation

The Annunciation

There are a million ways to say “no” to God. Like Eve back in the Garden, we often listen to that little whispering voice telling us that we’ve been short-changed by God. “I’m not perfect enough.” “My Life isn’t going the way I planned.” “I deserve more.” We blindly...
Love is Patient… (1 Corinthians 13)

Love is Patient… (1 Corinthians 13)

First Corinthians, verse 13. We all know how this one begins… Love is Patient, Love is Kind. If you’ve ever attended a Christian wedding, you’ve probably listened half-heartedly to this reading. And that’s the challenge of this verse… to not LIVE it half-hearted. To...
St. Teresa of Kolkata

St. Teresa of Kolkata

Many thoughts and ideas have been running through my head in the last week on what to say about our newest saint, St. Teresa of Kolkata. Really, there’s not much I can add that you can’t already find on the internet, said by tons of people more learned than I. So on...
Lamb of God, Have Mercy on Us

Lamb of God, Have Mercy on Us

  One of my favorite prayers is the “Lamb of God”, recited just before communion during a Catholic mass. It’s so simple, repetitive, even childlike. Yet it says so much. We might complicate Mercy and Peace, but God doesn’t. Lamb of God, You take away...
A Merry Round-up for Christmas

A Merry Round-up for Christmas

Everywhere I go, people keep asking if I’m ready for Christmas. I am. What I’m not entirely ready for is for my child turning 18 on Christmas Eve! Boy, did those years go fast. Still, as my business grows, I know it’s time for her to fly and find her own way to make...