“Station Three: Jesus Falls for the First Time”
12 x 12” Acrylic on wood
Note: original art does not include haiku
Set of 14 Stations $8000
It’s probably no accident that Jesus’ first fall is recorded early in the stations. I can usually summon the courage needed for whatever is coming my way. I might even heroically pick up my cross. And then reality sets in… smack! This is harder than I thought. The rubber meets the road and the tires feel like squares instead of circles! Maybe I’m not as strong as I thought I was. Maybe I’m not even strong enough. No, it’s no accident Jesus fell so soon. He was human, after all. But he was also divine and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Like us, he had to find that inner strength to keep moving forward. And like us, he hoped for help and encouragement to lighten the way.
Color is symbolic in each of my Stations pieces: Red = Points of pain; White = Movement of the Holy Spirit; Blue = God’s presence; Black = the weight of the cross; Neutrals = Humanity.
View a silent meditation of all 14 stations and the Resurrection here.
Pray: For those who battle addiction.
Action: Is there something you’ve been avoiding? Take the first step to get it done today.