This spring included a mini-tour with my art across the Southwest. First stop was to take part in an invitational show called “Sacred Art Live!” hosted by the Scanlon Foundation. The show and sale was held for one day only at the new Cathedral High School in Houston. The artists this year highlighted creators from both North and South America including:
Back row, left to right: Jacob Zumo of @artbyjzumo, Al Sauls of @iconsofalsauls, Robert Puschautz of @stabatmaterfoundation, @williamkstidham, and George Capps of @GorettiFineArt
Front row, left to right: Diana Mendoza, @caroline_b_furlong, @aliciaslloydart, Clare Counts of @stella.maris.creativities, and me!
Not pictured: Kate Capato of @visualgrace.sacredart.
I encourage you to find out more about each artist at the Sacred Art Live! website!
Images by @tomanimagery
Next stop was a familiar one…The Sacred Art Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ! The gallery featured my work during April’s Scottsdale Art Walk, including my conceptual Beatitude work and new saints from my book, “Arise to Blessedness.” If you are interested in any of the original paintings from the book, as well as a few others they are currently carrying, be sure and contact them at