St. Teresa of Kolkata

St. Teresa of Kolkata

Many thoughts and ideas have been running through my head in the last week on what to say about our newest saint, St. Teresa of Kolkata. Really, there’s not much I can add that you can’t already find on the internet, said by tons of people more learned than I. So on...
The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed

Seeing yourself on video is a challenge to be overcome, but I’m doing it anyway. I hope you enjoy my attempt at a video blog, as well as my new painting, “The Mustard Seed”. Jesus says that we must receive the kingdom of God like a little child or we will not be...
Lamb of God, Have Mercy on Us

Lamb of God, Have Mercy on Us

  One of my favorite prayers is the “Lamb of God”, recited just before communion during a Catholic mass. It’s so simple, repetitive, even childlike. Yet it says so much. We might complicate Mercy and Peace, but God doesn’t. Lamb of God, You take away...
Glory Be!

Glory Be!

Life on modern earth can be like a hurricane, swirling us one way, then the other. Fear, indecision, conflicting opinions, self-doubt, 24 hours of noise. It can all be overwhelming. And if you “build your house on sand” by trying to navigate it all yourself, it just...
Thy Will be Done: A Year of Mercy

Thy Will be Done: A Year of Mercy

The Pope has declared 2016 a “Jubilee Year of Mercy” in the Catholic church, an opportunity for faith-filled people to mindfully practice acts of mercy among their families, communities and in the larger world. No matter what your belief system, practicing works of...