by Jen Norton | Apr 14, 2019 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
“Station Twelve: Jesus Dies on the Cross”12 x 12” Acrylic on wood Note: original art does not include haikuSet of 14 Stations $8000 “Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, Lord, God of truth.” –Psalm 31:6When the world gives you one story...
by Jen Norton | Apr 10, 2019 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
“Station Eleven: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross”12 x 12” Acrylic on wood Note: original art does not include haikuSet of 14 Stations $8000 As a child, I remember watching the story of Jesus every Lent on TV and being horrified at the thought of someone...
by Jen Norton | Apr 5, 2019 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
“Station Ten: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments”12 x 12” Acrylic on wood Note: original art does not include haikuSet of 14 Stations $8000 Jesus has been condemned, beaten, and is exhausted. Now he is naked and exposed, shamed and stripped of his last...
by Jen Norton | Apr 3, 2019 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
“Station Nine: Jesus falls for the Third Time12 x 12” Acrylic on wood Note: original art does not include haikuSet of 14 Stations $8000 God is there in the surrender.If you have gone through something really big, really life-altering, you may have reached that...
by Jen Norton | Mar 31, 2019 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
“Station Eight: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem”12 x 12” Acrylic on wood Note: original art does not include haikuSet of 14 Stations $8000 There are popular shows and movies I just can’t watch due to violence, especially sexual violence. Maybe it’s...