by Jen Norton | Dec 6, 2011 | Painting Stories
Today’s Advent reflection is on Psalm 27:1-4 One of the best places I know to “dwell in the house of the Lord” and “behold His beauty” is at our family cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains. My grandfather built it in the mid- 1950s, and I’ve been going there...
by Jen Norton | Dec 5, 2011 | Painting Stories
Today’s reading is from 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6. Well, not really. I’m afraid I got mixed up and painted for NEXT Monday’s reading. Too late to re-do, so I’m going with it! We’ll save today’s for next week. Pope John Paul II once said, “As the family...
by Jen Norton | Dec 2, 2011 | Painting Stories
Today’s Advent meditation is on Jeremiah 33:14-16 Today is bill-paying day. I have a hard time with this task, not because I can’t handle simple subtraction, but because it’s so dang boring, my mind wanders. I often find myself, pen in hand, realizing that 10 minutes...
by Jen Norton | Dec 1, 2011 | Painting Stories
The reference for today’s Advent Art Mediation is John 1: 6-9 John is introduced as a man sent from God to bear witness to the light that was coming into the world. It is clarified that he is not the actual light, but merely here to testify. If we continue on...
by Jen Norton | Nov 30, 2011 | Painting Stories
Today’s reading, John 1: 1-5, was much more comforting than yesterday’s. Yesterday was all trials and tribulations. Today is about the Light that outshines darkness. Thank God. Today, my darkness was time. I ran out. I needed more time, but I don’t have it, so...