by Jen Norton | Mar 14, 2012 | Painting Stories
When our daughter was about 9 months old, we traveled to Ireland (for the second time) for the wedding of some very special friends. Their family owns a traditional Irish cottage in the Cork countryside where we stayed for a week. It’s been renovated for traveling...
by Jen Norton | Mar 7, 2012 | Painting Stories
“All is changed, changed utterly; A terrible beauty is born.” –WB Yeats in his poem Easter 1916. The most deeply beautiful things of this world are often formed from a mix of grace and pain. It’s true of art, of people, of family. And it’s certainly true of Ireland....
by Jen Norton | Feb 22, 2012 | Art Business, Painting Stories
I’m in a short hiatus from my “Hello Soul, Hello Business” e-class. My fellow students and I are taking the time to go over our ideas and core values before resuming with actions to bring our visions to reality. As I refine my direction, I know I want to not only have...
by Jen Norton | Jan 27, 2012 | Art Instruction, Current Shows
School is out today, which means my house is bursting and buzzing with about 10 extra teens, mostly girls. Energy, laughter, food on the floor and makeup strewn all over the bathroom… How do so many kids, each manageable when isolated, become such a force of chaos en...
by Jen Norton | Jan 21, 2012 | Art Business, Art Instruction
I had a mini-aha-moment today as I was putting together a vision board for my business as part of my Hello Soul, Hello Business e-class. I’ve believed in the importance of making a vision board for some time. I’ve seen other artists make them. I’ve heard about them...