by Jen Norton | May 8, 2012 | Current Shows
It’s going to be hot weather this weekend for our Open Studio, but maybe my coastal house art will make it seem like a day at the beach! I love my new 6×6″ paintings on wood panel. Each one is painted with layers of fluid acrylic on carved gesso. Plus, I’m...
by Jen Norton | May 7, 2012 | Current Shows
Hi Art Lovers and Fans… I’m getting all my art ready and planning my booth for my Open Studio this weekend, May 12 & 13, 2012. Today I put the hanging wire on this fun piece called “Cool Summer Salad”. Doesn’t it just make you want to eat healthy? And one of...
by Jen Norton | May 4, 2012 | Art Instruction, Current Shows, Painting Stories
I have a never-ending stream of ideas running through my head. Sometimes it’s a good thing, or even entertaining. Sometimes it’s a stumbling block that keeps me from moving forward. I’ve always loved pattern. Pattern takes all that chaos and puts in into some kind of...
by Jen Norton | Apr 24, 2012 | Painting Stories
The painting above is titled “Patience,” one of the nine fruits of the spirit bestowed upon us by the Creator. In the U.S., Mother’s Day is coming up and I think most of us would agree that the vocation of motherhood requires a lot of patience. Moms are the primary...
by Jen Norton | Apr 18, 2012 | Art Business, Current Shows
Yesterday I went to my daughter’s school to help with a teacher appreciation lunch. It’s the end of the year, and all the kids were gathered in the central lawn with a photographer to take the official group picture. It’s a pretty large school, so that’s about 700-800...