by Jen Norton | Aug 22, 2013 | Philosophy
There was a point mid-way through my university art education when my mom kindly suggested, “Why don’t you study business instead so you can get a job?” Ahhh… the lament of so many well-meaning parents. So I added in a business minor. I suffered through every...
by Jen Norton | Aug 8, 2013 | Painting Stories
“Hail Mary,” 22 x 30″, Acrylic on Canvas Growing up Catholic, we were taught to honor Mary as the Mother of God through reciting the prayers of the Rosary. Like prayer-bead traditions from other religious practices, the Rosary is designed to slow you down and...
by Jen Norton | Jun 14, 2013 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
Making art can be a lot of fun, but it’s not always easy. At times it can be down-right torturous. My perfectionist mindset kicks in, saying, “You should be able to command divine inspiration at will… You have to make a great piece of art now… Maybe you’re not as...
by Jen Norton | Mar 7, 2013 | Painting Stories, Philosophy
Oh, woe is me, woe is me…no one can possibly understand my pain and suffering! Well, yes, actually they can, and they probably have. In a spiritual realm, we are all connected. Pain or joy in any one of us has an effect in the paint or joy of all of us. If you’ve ever...
by Jen Norton | Jan 7, 2013 | Art Instruction, Painting Stories
Happy New Year! For my first post of 2013, I’d like to share some work completed at the end of 2012. This is an art commission for a family to commemorate their annual vacation on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands in Washington State (USA). It features friends and...