The Value of an Art Education

There was a point mid-way through my university art education when my mom kindly suggested, “Why don’t you study business instead so you can get a job?” Ahhh… the lament of so many well-meaning parents. So I added in a business minor. I suffered through every...

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

“Hail Mary,” 22 x 30″, Acrylic on Canvas Growing up Catholic, we were taught to honor Mary as the Mother of God through reciting the prayers of the Rosary. Like prayer-bead traditions from other religious practices, the Rosary is designed to slow you down and...

The Joy of Imperfection

Making art can be a lot of fun, but it’s not always easy. At times it can be down-right torturous. My perfectionist mindset kicks in, saying, “You should be able to command divine inspiration at will… You have to make a great piece of art now…  Maybe you’re not as...

The Spirit is a Movin’

Oh, woe is me, woe is me…no one can possibly understand my pain and suffering! Well, yes, actually they can, and they probably have. In a spiritual realm, we are all connected. Pain or joy in any one of us has an effect in the paint or joy of all of us. If you’ve ever...