Abundant Love

Abundant Love

Valentine’s Day is just a month away, and I have to admit it’s not one of my favorites. Not that I don’t appreciate love, or the efforts of the somewhat ambiguous St. Valentine, martyred in the 2nd century by the Roman emperor Claudius for, among other things,...

How to paint a house

I recently had the privilege of creating a special home portrait for a patron in my hometown. I thought I’d share my progress on how to paint a house here. We began with some sketches of her ranch-style home, which were then transferred to the canvas. I start...

Art Box Project #2!

Last year I was privileged to paint one my city’s electrical boxes as part of the Art Box Project San Jose. Recently, I was contacted to paint a second box to reflect the original cherry orchards that used to grace the corner of Hamilton/Pine and Hicks Roads in Willow...